Thursday, October 31, 2019

Graphs for Dirt Bikes sales history from 2008 to 2012 Assignment

Graphs for Dirt Bikes sales history from 2008 to 2012 - Assignment Example Have international sales grown relative to domestic sales? There is not growth in international sales with respect to domestic sales. Are sales (revenues) growing steadily, and if so, at what rate? PERIOD 2010/2011 2011/2012 Year I sales 64063 60144 Year II sales 61529 64063 Sales Growth rate 1.0412 0.9388 There is not steady growth rate. For example, in the period 2010/2011 there was a growth rate of 1.0412 whereas in the period 2011/2012, there was a decline in sales. What is the cost of goods sold compared to revenue? Cost of Goods sold vs. Sales (in ‘000) Cost of goods sold compared to revenue = Cost of Goods Sold Sales YEAR 2010 2011 2012 Cost of goods sold 41072 43155 45835 Sales 61529 64063 60144 Cost of goods sold/sales 0.6675 0.6736 0.7621 Is the cost of goods sold compared to revenue (sales) increasing or decreasing? The cost of goods sold compared to revenues is increasing across the years. Are the firm’s operating expens es increasing or decreasing? Both the gross and net margins for the firm are decreasing across the years. Total Assets vs. Total Liabilities (in ‘000) Is the firm heavily in debt? No! The company is not in heavy debt as total assets throughout the years are more than total liabilities. Does the firm have assets to pay for expenses and to finance the development of new products and information systems? Total Current Assets vs. Current Liabilities (in ‘000) Yes! The company has assets capable of paying expenses as well as financing the development of new products and information system. This is so because current assets are more than current liabilities throughout the years. Work Cited Parr, Danny. Dirt Bikes. Minnetonka: Capstone High Interest [Imprint], 2001. Print.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Firm and the Environment The Case of Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Firm and the Environment The Case of - Essay Example The main focus of the hospitality sector is to adopt the differentiation strategy and achieve competitive advantage. A lot of innovative practices are introduced and customer service and value added service play a major role in the hospitality industry. The paper analyses the industry using Michael Porters Five force Analysis and then the SWOT for the firm is done. Accommodation and food services makes up about 8.1 percent of all employment. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). Employment in the accommodation and food services industries is predicted to grow 18% between 2002 and 2012, adding more than 1.6 million new jobs. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). Of the 8,740,000 total workers employed in the accommodation and food services industry in 2003, 5,343,000 works full-time (61%), while 3,397,000 work part-time (39%). (Annual average for 2003, according to the Current Population Survey, a joint project of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Census Bureau). The Total Industry Investment is $1,765,000 and the total leveraged resources are $5,900,000 Profit and average room rate at the UK's chain hotels continued to increase in November, according to the latest HotStats survey from TRI Hospitality Consulting. Across the total UK sample of 462 hotels, income before fixed charges (IBFC) - also known as gross operating profit - rose by 5.6 per cent to 52.81 per available room. Average room rate increased by 7.4 per cent to 95.03 in November, a similar rate of growth to the 7.2 per cent achieved during the year so far. In London, profit grew by 7.9 per cent to 82.19 per available room. London's hoteliers continued to achieve rate growth at near annual levels with an 8.9 per cent increase taking average room rate to a new high of 125.85. - Jonathan Langston, UK Chain Hotels Market Review November 2007 | TRI Hospitality, Michael Porters Five Force Analysis Threat of New entrants: The Entry barriers include Capital The capital outlay needed for starting up the operation in this industry is huge ($60 - $70 million), since the leasing expenses and the taxes are high. The capital includes land and building, infrastructure etc. Labor: In this industry the retention rate is high when compared to the others because of the demand for the experienced chefs in the industry. Retaining skilled labor is a major issue for a new entrant. Tax Structure: Hoteliers have to bear huge taxes levied on them by the government for property, water, electricity etc. Beside the high entry barriers, new entrants in this industry are high in recent days. Threat of substitutes: The growth of Home business restricts travel to a certain extent. So people consider their homes as substitutes for hotels. Rivalry: There is a fierce price war going between existing

Sunday, October 27, 2019

A microscope: An overview

A microscope: An overview 1. Introduction A microscope is an instrument used to investigate tiny objects which cannot be seen by naked eyes. There exist three types of microscopes which are optical microscopes, electron microscopes, and scanning probe microscopes. (1) Six types of microscopes talked in this report are reflected and transmitted light microscope, scanning electron microscopes (SEM), transmission electron microscopes (TEM), focused ion beam (FIB), and atomic force microscope (AFM). 1.1 Reflected light microscopes Reflected light microscope is a type of microscope using visible light and a system of lenses to magnify images of small samples. It is used to examine opaque specimens which will not transmit light and other materials such as ceramics.The reflected light travels through the objective lens, which in this arrangement acts as both a condenser and an objective, and strikes the specimen.It is then reflected off the specimen back up through the objective lens, the head, the eyepieces, and finally to the eye.(2) 1.2 Transmitted light microscope Transmitted light microscope is a type of microscope where the light transmits from a source on the opposite side of the specimen from the objective. Usually the light is passed through a condenser to focus it on the specimen to get very high illumination. (3)After the light passes through the specimen, the image of the specimen goes through the objective lens and to the oculars where the enlarged image is viewed. 1.3 Scanning electron microscope The scanning electron microscope (SEM) is one kind of electron microscope. The SEM utilizes a very fine probing beam of electrons scanning over the specimen to emit a variety of radiations. The signal which is proportional to the amount of radiation leaves an individual point of the sample at any time. The signal obtained from one point will display the information of that point. In practice, the points follow one another with very high speed so that the image of each point becomes an image of a line, and the line move down the screen so rapidly that the naked eye sees a complete image on the computer. SEMs are patterned after reflecting light microscopes and will yield similar information 1.4 Transmission electron microscope A transmission electron microscope (TEM) works much like a slide projector. A projector shines a beam of light through the slide, as the light passes through it is affected by the structures and objects on the slide. These effects result in only certain parts of the light beam being transmitted through certain parts of the slide. This transmitted beam is then projected onto the viewing screen, forming an enlarged image of the slide. TEMs work the same way except that they shine a beam of electrons through the specimen. Whatever part is transmitted is projected onto a screen for the user to see. TEMs are patterned after transmission light microscopes and will yield similar information. 1.5 Focused ion beam A focused ion beam system (FIB) is a relatively new tool that has a high degree of analogy with a focused electron beam system such as a scanning electron microscope or a transmission electron microscope. In SEM and TEM the electron beam is directed towards the sample generating signals that are used to create high magnification images of the sample. The major difference with a focused ion beam system is the use of a different particle to create the primary beam that interacts with the sample. A highly focused ion beam is used instead of electrons in FIB. As the beam scans the surface of the sample, a highly magnified image is created, which allows the system operator to view the samples microscopic features clearly. 1.6 Atomic force microscope The AFM is one of the foremost tools for imaging, measuring and manipulating matter at the nanoscale. The information is gathered by feeling the surface with a mechanical probe. To achieve atomic scale resolution, a sharp stylus (radius ~1-2 nm) attached to a cantilever is used in the AFM to scan an object point by point and contouring it while a constant small force is applied to the stylus. Piezoelectric elements that facilitate tiny but accurate and precise movements enable the very precise scanning. (4) 2. Study of comparison among six kinds of microscopes 2.1 Optical microscopes Optical microscopes, which use visible wavelengths of light, are the simplest and most used. Both transmitted light microscopy and reflected light microscopy need low energy and the microscope itself is much cheaper and smaller than electron microscopes. Compared to electron microscopes, the optical microscopes have another advantage that the image obtained from them is in color. Comparing to reflected light microscope, the transmitted light microscope only works on light transparent specimens but not metal, ceramics and some polymers such as rubber. However sample preparation of transmitted light microscope is relatively complicated. As it requires sample thin enough for the light to go through. This can be done by using a microtome to slice at lower temperature; as well the distortion of the section due to the sample preparation is a problem for observing. (5) 2.2 SEM The SEM has allowed researchers to examine a much bigger variety of specimens no matter it is bulk or thin layer. The scanning electron microscope has many advantages over optical microscopes.The SEM has a large depth of field, which allows more of a specimen to be in focus at one time.The SEM has much higher resolution (~1-5nm). (5)Because the SEM uses electromagnets rather than lenses, much more control in the degree of magnification can be done.All of these advantages, as well as the actual strikingly clear images, make the scanning electron microscope one of the most useful instruments in research today. However, materials that can be examined in the SEM must be vacuum compatible, clean and electrically conducting such as metal. But for non-conducting materials such as ceramic and polymers, gold or carbon coating on the surface of the sample is essential. 2.3 TEM TEM is a technology using a high energy (80-200kV) beam of electrons to transmit through an ultra thin specimen (50-200nm). High resolution (~0.2nm) is the most significant advantage of TEM. (5) However, there are a number of drawbacks to the TEM technique. Many materials require extensive sample preparation to produce a sample thin enough to be electron transparent, which makes TEM analysis a relatively time consuming process. The structure of the sample may be changed during the preparation process. Also the field of view is relatively small, which leads to the region analyzed may not be characteristic of the whole sample. There is potential that the sample may be damaged by the electron beam, particularly in the case of biological materials. 2.4 FIB FIB is usually used to examine metal surfaces. If the sample is non-conductive, a low energy electron flood gun can be used to provide charge neutralization. FIB is inherently destructive to the specimen because when the high-energy gallium ions strike the sample, they will sputter atoms from the surface. Ga atoms will also be implanted into the top few nanometers of the surface making the surface amorphous. (6) These limitations produce noticeable effects when using techniques such as high-resolution lattice imaging TEM or electron energy loss spectroscopy. 2.5 AFM The AFM is a very high-resolution type of scanning probe microscope, with demonstrated resolution of fractions of 1 nm. (4) AFM provides a true three-dimensional surface profile. Additionally, samples viewed by AFM do not require any special treatments such as coating. Most AFM modes can work perfectly in air or even a liquid environment without a need of vacuum. This makes it possible to study not only metal, ceramic, polymer but also biological macromolecules and even living organisms. In principle, AFM can provide higher resolution than SEM. It has been shown to give true atomic resolution in ultra-high vacuum and in liquid environments. High resolution AFM is comparable in resolution to TEM. A disadvantage of AFM compared with the scanning electron microscope (SEM) is the image size. The AFM can only image a maximum height on the order of 10-20 micrometers and a maximum scanning area of around 150 by 150 micrometers. (4) Another inconvenience is that the AFM could not scan images as fast as an SEM, requiring several minutes for a typical scan, while a SEM is capable of scanning at near real-time after the chamber is evacuated. The relatively slow rate of scanning during AFM imaging often leads to thermal drift in the image making the AFM microscope less suited for measuring accurate distances between topographical features on the image. (4) 2.6 Competition 3. Example of applications 3.1 Reflected light microscope Normally, reflected light microscope is used to image metal, ceramic and rubber. Thats the reason why it is also called metallurgical microscope. Nowadays it becomes a fast growing interest; especially in regard to its increasing usefulness in the fluorescence microscopy as well as the rapidly growing semiconductor industry had also led to an increase in the use of reflected light microscopes. (7) 3.2 Transmitted light microscope Polymers can commonly be looked at under the transmitted light microscope, because most of them are transparent or translucent. It can also analyze cell slices obtained from organism. Most of the lab can afford a transmitted light microscope since it is relatively cheap. 3.3 SEM About any scientific field can use an SEM as a research tool. It can be used to look at the crystalline structures of chemical compounds and how their bonds form. A scanning electron microscope is especially useful for looking at the surfaces of materials at an atomic level. 3.4 TEM TEM can do diffraction analysis of small areas by selected area diffraction. High resolution x-ray microanalysis and analysis of crystal defects such as dislocations, stacking faults using diffraction contrast can also be done by using TEM. Another important application is it can image lattice of crystalline materials. (8) 3.5 FIB FIB can be used as Ion beam imaging. The FIB also offers the ability to perform nanopatterning and micromachining respectively, and by instructing the machine to add or remove pertinent features, operator can design and prototype a new micro or nanostructure, modify integrated circuits and cross section specific features to allow failure analysis even in the 3D (TEM sample preparation). FIB is also used for Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). (7) The ejected secondary ions are collected and analyzed after the surface of the specimen has been sputtered with a primary focused ion beam. 3.6 AFM The atomic force microscope (AFM) is one of the most powerful tools for determining the surface topography of native biomolecules at subnanometer resolution. AFM allows biomolecules to be imaged not only under physiological conditions, but also while biological processes are at work. The AFM can also provide insight into the binding properties of biological systems. 4. Summary Characteristics of six different types of microscopes are compared in this article, including sample preparation and technique limitations. Each one has its advantage and disadvantage, so it is necessary to consider comprehensively before choosing, for example, the type of the material, needed information, vacuum compatible, conductivity and sample preparation, etc. References Microscopy and Analysis. [Online] Reflected Light Microscopes. [Online] Wikipidia. Optical microscope. [Online] Microscope. W. Richard Bowen, Nidal Hilal. Atomic force microscopy in process engineering : introduction to AFM for improved processes and products. 2009. Geoff West, John Bates, David Ross, D Grandy, J Perkins. MPP242 Microscopy Handouts. Loughborough: The department of materials, 2009. Peter J. Goodhew, Richard Beanland, John Humphreys. Electron microscopy and analysis. s.l.: Taylor Francis Ltd, 2000. The Royal Microscope socieity. [Online] Brent Fultz, James Howe. Transmission electron microscopy and diffractometry of materials . 2008.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Theme of Death in War in The Rich Dead and Dulce et Decorum Est Ess

The Theme of Death in War in The Rich Dead and Dulce et Decorum Est by Wildred Owen and Rupert Brooke's The Rich Dead It seems that war in society is inevitable - for long as it has been historically documented, war has always been present. Although the tactics by which wars have been fought and won have developed throughout the ages, the outcome has always remained the same - with the untimely deaths of many men. It is this idea of war that has provoked intense controversy, with many people believing it merely results with death and destruction, whilst others regard it as a glorious enterprise and an altogether heroic adventure. During the First World War, poets depicted these diverse aspects of war, with the opposing attitudes clearly recognised in the work of Wilfred Owen and Rupert Brooke. Owens anthology of war poetry is characterised by his vivid and graphic detail concerning war and all its brutal consequences. He also revolts against pro-war propagandists, not only denouncing their beliefs but also by the way they brainwashed naÃÆ'Â ¯ve young boys into believing it was honourable to die for your country. One such advocate of this idea was Rupert Brooke, his work recognisable by a profound sense of patriotism. He wrote to depict the courage and excitement of war rather than the harsh realities staring them in the face, by means to entice young men into enrolling in the army. This is exactly what Owen was objecting to. I have chosen to study in depth the poems-'Dulce Et Decorum Est' by Wilfred Owen-an ironically titled poem portraying the wasteful futility of young lives lost at war and 'The Rich Dead' by Rupert Brooke-a poem honouring the death of a war hero. I feel that both poems effectively r... ...he poem. Owen strives to provide a more realistic image of the wholly unavoidable human suffering that war brings. I think the following line from the song "The Green Fields of France" reflects this image accurately when the writer describes his feelings while standing in a World War One graveyard: "To a man's blind indifference to his fellow man, To a whole generation who were butchered and damned" Rupert Brooke's work on the other hand is aiming to paint a pretty picture of the harsh realities of war. Although in theory the romantic principles presented by Brooke may seem attractive, to apply them to real life is nave and idealistic. War might bring glory on a wider scale, but to claim that a soldier's needless death in appalling conditions is honourable is simply untrue. War may well be inevitable but it is senseless and can never be justified.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Narrative essay about Education Essay

Education is the Key to SuccessThe disadvantage of not completing high school is missing the prom, senior day, and graduation. Looking back, as a teenager my judgment was idle toward negativity and peer pressure. I struggled throughout the years without my high school diploma. To pursue higher education, my high school diploma was a necessity. In order to achieve a successful career, education is vital towards my career goals. TransitionAt age 14, my parents moved to a low-income apartment building on the west side of Stamford. I believe this was the worst decision that my parents had made for us. The transition of living in a suburban area in Stamford, moving to the projects was fearful to me. I was the new girl on the block. The girls in this area smoked cigarettes in the hallways, skipped school, shoplifted, and had boyfriends. I attempt to stay away from the girls, due to their negative behaviors. As time went by, I was lonely staying in the house after school. As a result, I frequently invited the girls to my house after school to play. Suddenly, I was sneaking in the staircase with the girls smoking cigarettes, skipping school, shoplifting, and I had my first boyfriend. As time progressed, I had a bad attitude towards school and my parents. I dropped out of school at age 16; ran away from home with my boyfriend, became pregnant at age 17. This was a turning point in my life because I had to grow up q uickly and become mother. EmploymentAfter giving birth to my son, I applied for an overnight stock position for KohlÂ’s. On the job application, it asked, ”do you have a high school diploma?” I checked yes. KohlÂ’s hired me for the night position. I adapted to the late hours, and became friend with my co-workers. I enjoyed displaying the new clothes to the floor at night and dressing the manikins with the new designs. After my 90-day probationary period, there was a call from the store manager he wanted to see me. This was the longest walk down the corridor. My thoughts were racing faster than my heart. I did not have a clue as to what this meeting was going to be about. I knocked on the door and the manager said, “Come in, close the doors and have a seat”. The manager talked about an incident that happen at another store, the manager had to fire this gentleman; he became violent to the manager due to the termination of his employment. The police were called the gentleman was  arrested. Management found out that this employee had a long criminal history of violence. Due to this incident, the company started checking all backgrounds of current employees. After reviewing my background the store manager said, “we have a problem with your application, we checked with the school and you were dishonest on your application ”. He had no other choice but to terminate my employment. I sighed in disbelief, my mouth was very dry and I could not swallow, I stood up from the chair, disappointed, embarrassed with my head held down. I reached out and shook the managers hand. I said, “ You have to do what you have to do: thanks for the opportunity”. When I walked out of the store, I began to cry. I learned from that day forward, to always be truthful no matter what. This incident made me realize how I would struggle if I did not pursue my education. Pursing my DiplomaMy mother at age 60 went to night school to obtain her high school diploma. She laughed at me because she was going to receive her diploma before me. This motivated me to pursue my G.E.D. I was jealous of my mother, yet happy that she was accomplishing this for herself. The beginning of May 1998, I went to the Board of Education and applied for my G.E.D. test, the test was schedule for June. I applied myself, and studied for 30 days for this test. Early that Saturday morning, I was full of anticipation ready for the challenge ahead, the day of my test. I was nervous walking into the building, yet determined to complete and accomplish this rewarding task in my life. I was very excited when I completed my last question on the test. I waited anxiously for the test results by mail. The end of June 1998, my mother handed me a big yellow envelope; I quickly opened the envelope, and pulled out a crisp piece of paper my high school diploma (G.E.D.). After I read my results and found out my grades were above average, I jumped up and down full of happiness. My mother and I received our diplomas that month a celebration was definitely required. In conclusionNevertheless, I missed a great deal of events in high school, I have learned to forgive myself for the mistakes I have made in the past and look towards the future. Never under estimate the lack of education, I am currently attending University of Phoenix to pursue my bachelors. I am determined to complete and accomplish this honorable and rewarding task.  Education is a vital key to success in any career driven environment. When adults look back in their childhood, they can see the mistakes they made because of lack of judgment. This is the reason why parents make the choices and decisions for their children. A child lacks the knowledge and judgment to make healthy decisions. As an adult, we cannot believe some of the things we have done to make obstacles in our lives. The author clearly understands his judgment as a child jeopardized his well- being. Nevertheless, children are responsible for their own actions, and should become leaders instead of followers.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Argue On Hostile Takeovers

Lisa Newton argues against hostile takeovers and has many rational reasons backing her point. Takeovers in the past overall have not proven effective nor have they been monetarily beneficial to either the company or the society involved. Corporations are ruined and people, even families, are hurt. In this paper, I will argue against hostile takeovers for these reasons from the standpoint of a utilitarian. Utilitarianism is the â€Å"moral doctrine that we should always act to produce the greatest possible balance of good over bad for everyone affected by our action.† (Shaw & Barry, 59) Actions are evaluated according to their consequences and look to maximize happiness. The view is long-term not just immediately. A hostile corporate takeover is not a positive thing through the eyes of a utilitarian for several reasons. To begin with, the idea of a possible takeover has degenerating effects on a company. â€Å"At the first level there is disruption and millions of dollars† worth of unproductive expense.† (Newton, 189) Effectiveness and productive activity at the upper levels of management comes to a stop and systematical planning disappears. Employees become apprehensive about the security of their jobs and end up spending a majority of their time speculating or searching for another job. It takes a toll on everyone involved in that they feel dishonored or belittled. Utilitarians would argue this is not a moral action since it harms the majority of the people. It is not the greatest good for the greatest number. It may immediately (short-term) benefit those who have done the takeover and those in higher up positions. However, in the long run it may not benefit even anyone. The early results of hostile takeover activity are combined with unnecessary and unwise business practices. The takeover has two destructive effects on corporate†s management. Equity is transformed into debt, leaving the company without protection. Being desperate, management may begin to look for short-term profits and impose by force aggressive actions not previously acted upon. This is deceiving to stockholders since they see high returns and stock prices even though the company does not have a good level of steadiness or security. It also harms the overall society since they usually depend on these large corporations for income and employment. Companies are willing to pay high takeover prices that they engage in severe cost-cutting at every level and at any cost. This sometimes even includes eliminating those who are important in maintaining operations, which is never a good move for the company as a whole. These people will probably have a problem finding other jobs since higher level positions are usually held by people who have been at the company for an extended length of time and are therefore older than others would want a new employee to be at a starting position. The basis of this issue revolves around money and does not consider those individuals involved. The corporate economy is at the mercy of the American dollar. People have become engrossed with making money that they sometimes forget they are dealing with other human beings. The takeover of a corporation may benefit those who are now in charge but not many others involved. Society winds up helping those newly unemployed and sometimes even the company itself. There are no laws to protect or help those who may one day be involved in a hostile takeover. These people have rights since they have contributed a lot of time, effort and even money towards the growth of the company. A corporation is nothing by itself; it is made up of the people with whom it employs. Human needs are not noticed by business practice and they hardly receive the justice deserved. Hostile takeovers are â€Å"harmful to corporate stakeholders, the economy, and the general public.† (Newton, 188) The law should restrict or even prohibit them, which is currently does not. There usually is no protection or justice for those involved. There are laws for anything and everything else to supposedly protect individuals, so why not this? Most often the result is not positive. Individuals are hurt and the corporation is usually killed in the end. More people must argue that the corporation is a moral individual just like others. The reality is that people frequently expect more from takeover defenses than they can deliver. It is rare that any defenses are backed by common sense and critical business strategy, which could help resist a pursuer and help control the terms of the deal. â€Å"As a matter of right, and as a matter of utility, the takeover game should be ended.† (Newton, 194)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to decide if college is the right choice for you

How to decide if college is the right choice for you Get your degree if you want to succeed. This is pretty common advice for students who are trying to figure out what comes next in their lives. And education is always a good solution if you want to build knowledge and skills. Plus, a degree is usually a baseline requirement for more and more jobs out there, as many people find when they hit the job market with a high school diploma (or equivalent certificate) in hand. But a college degree is also a significant investment of time, money, and personal resources, so it’s more important than ever to make sure it’s the right choice for your own life. Is it worthwhile for everyone? And more importantly, is it worthwhile for you? Let’s look at the most important factors to consider as you decide whether or not to go for that college degree.Consider the debt†¦Any conversation about college these days has to involve the specter of staggering debt. Per, the average price tag for a college education is $25,290 per year for a state college or university, and $50,900 for a private college or university. And tuition isn’t the only cost to consider: housing, books, and living expenses all factor in as well.Many students are able to make these ends meet with scholarships, grants, or working while they also attend colleges. But increasingly, students and their families are turning to student loans to cover college expenses. As of 2017, student loan debt is the second-highest consumer debt category, trailing only mortgage debt, per Forbes. The average student now carries $37,172 in student loan debt as they graduate and prepare to enter the workforce. Given that the average grad makes less than $50,000 per year to start, this can be a significant financial burden at the start of a career. And the default rate for student loans is 11.2%, suggesting that grads are not always able to cope with this debt as they move on after college.†¦but also consider the earning potential  W hile student load debt is becoming a significant national burden, it’s also seen as a kind of necessary evil when you look at how much college grads make vs. their counterparts who have a high school diploma or an incomplete college degree.According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, college grads experience significantly lower unemployment the more advanced their degrees become. College grads also earn more, on average: the median weekly earnings for someone with a high school diploma jumps from $692 to $1,156 if the person has a bachelor’s degree. To put it in even more concrete terms, according to the National Center for Educational Statistics, a bachelor’s degree (or higher) adds $15,000 per year in income.So is college worth it?If we’re going by the stats, then, frankly, yes. On paper, college graduates are likely to make more and experience a lower unemployment rate. But life is rarely so straightforward and easy checked off by â€Å"yes† or â€Å"no,† so let’s look at questions you need to ask yourself before you take this step.What are my goals?If you dream of becoming an accountant or a computer programmer, then these are fields that require specific expertise and academic credentials. If your ultimate goal is to work in retail management, then that’s a field where experience can trump an education credential on a resume. The first step in any â€Å"is college for me?† debate is figuring out what your ideal future holds.Can I achieve those goals in a non-traditional way?Here’s where alternative education programs become a crucial part of the dialogue. It may be that your target profession has specific education and certification programs that require less time and investment than a traditional college program, where you may be taking courses and meeting requirements that have nothing to do with your eventual profession. Allied health professions are a great example of this- man y healthcare positions require a degree (like registered nursing or anesthesiologist), but there are plenty of jobs in the field that do not (like optician or surgical technologists) and instead require a job-specific certification and on-the-job training.Trade schools can be a valid alternative to a four-year program, providing exactly the knowledge and expertise you’ll need for your career goals, and often for a more affordable price than you’d see at a traditional four-year school.What’s my financial plan?If you can afford to pay for college straight up, that’s fantastic! If you can’t, then you need to have a plan. Whether it’s Harvard or a trade school, you’ll have to account for the costs of your future educational path. Based on your eventual job goals, how much will you be able to afford to pay on the average starting salary for that job? Sites like and are great for helping you play around with that kin d of math and determining what people are realistically making in your potential field.Can I find a less expensive way to build your college degree?Many students opt to start off their college career at a community college, taking core classes and then transferring to a four-year college to finish the degree. This has a couple of benefits: it’s less expensive than four years at a traditional college or university, may cut down on extra expenses like room and board if you can live at home, and also gives you time to decide whether you’re on the right path, education-wise. If you get to the end of a four-year program only to discover that you’ve made a huge mistake in your major or concentration, then you’ve wasted both your time and (likely) a lot of money. If you take the community college route to study phlebotomy and discover in the process that maybe you’re not destined to be a doctor because you can’t stand the sight of blood after all, you’ve saved yourself a very expensive revelation later on.The bottom line is that college is an asset for the average person, but it might not be worthwhile for you, the non-average person. It’s important to consider what your individual career goals are and whether you truly need the expertise and credentials that a four-year school can provide. You shouldn’t feel roped into getting an expensive degree just because everyone is telling you that you should. Instead, it should be a decision based on careful thought about what the college degree would mean for your professional life, your future finances, and your ability to commit to that four-year degree. After all, you’re unique, and your path to achieving your professional ambitions should be one that works for yourself- not anyone else.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Biography of Isabella I, Queen of Spain

Biography of Isabella I, Queen of Spain Isabella I of Spain (April 22, 1451–November 26, 1504) was the queen of Castile and Leà ³n in her own right and, through marriage, became the queen of Aragon.  She  married Ferdinand II of Aragon, bringing the kingdoms together into what became Spain under the rule of her grandson Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor.  She sponsored Columbus voyages to the Americas and was known as  Isabel la Catolica, or Isabella the Catholic, for her role  in purifying the Roman Catholic faith by expelling Jews from her lands and defeating the Moors. Fast Facts: Queen Isabella Known For: Queen of Castile, Leà ³n, and Aragon (became Spain)Also Known As: Isabella the CatholicBorn: April 22, 1451 in Madrigal de las Altas Torres,  CastileParents: King John II of Castile, Isabella of PortugalDied: Nov. 26, 1504 in Medina del Campo, SpainSpouse: Ferdinand II of AragonChildren: Joanna of Castile, Catherine of Aragon, Isabella of Aragon, Maria of Aragon, and John, Prince of Asturias Early Life At her birth on April 22, 1451, Isabella was second in the line of succession to her father, King John II of Castile, following her older half-brother Henry.  She became third in line when her brother Alfonso was born in 1453. Her mother was  Isabella of Portugal, whose father was a son of King John I of Portugal and whose mother was a granddaughter of the same king.  Her fathers father was Henry III of Castile, and his mother was Catherine of Lancaster, the daughter of John of Gaunt (third son of Englands Edward III) and Johns second wife, the Infanta Constance of Castile. Isabellas half-brother became Henry IV, king of Castile, when their father, John II, died in 1454 when Isabella was 3. Isabella was raised by her mother until 1457, when the two children were brought to court by Henry to keep them from being used by opposition nobles. Isabella was well educated.  Her tutors included Beatriz Galindo, a professor at the University at Salamanca in philosophy, rhetoric, and medicine. Succession Henrys first marriage ended in divorce and without children. When his second wife, Joan of Portugal,  gave birth to daughter Juana in 1462, the opposition nobles  claimed that Juana was the daughter of Beltran de la Cueva, duke of Albuquerque. Thus, shes known in history as Juana la Beltraneja. The oppositions attempt to replace Henry with Alfonso failed, with the final defeat coming in July 1468 when Alfonso died of suspected poisoning. historians, however, consider it more likely he succumbed to the plague. He had named Isabella his successor. Isabella was offered the crown by the nobles but she refused, probably because she didnt believe she could maintain that claim in opposition to Henry.  Henry was willing to compromise with the nobles and accept Isabella as his heiress. Marriage Isabella married Ferdinand of Aragon, a second cousin, in October 1469 without Henrys approval. The cardinal of Valentia, Rodrigo Borgia (later Pope Alexander VI), helped Isabel and Ferdinand obtain the necessary papal dispensation, but the couple still had to resort to pretenses and disguises to carry out the ceremony in Valladolid.  Henry withdrew his recognition and named Juana as his heir.  At Henrys death in 1474, a war of succession ensued, with Alfonso V of Portugal, prospective husband of Isabellas rival Juana, supporting Juanas claims. The dispute was settled in 1479 with Isabella recognized as Queen of Castile. Ferdinand by this time had become King of Aragon, and the two ruled both realms with equal authority, unifying Spain. Among their first acts were various reforms to reduce the power of the nobility and increase the power of the crown. After her marriage, Isabella appointed Galindo as tutor to her children. Galindo founded hospitals and schools in Spain, including the Hospital of the Holy Cross in Madrid, and probably served as an adviser to Isabella after she became queen. Catholic Monarchs In 1480, Isabella and Ferdinand instituted the Inquisition in Spain, one of many changes to the role of the church instituted by the monarchs. The Inquisition was aimed mostly at Jews and Muslims who had overtly converted to Christianity but were thought to be practicing their faiths secretly. They were seen as heretics who rejected Roman Catholic orthodoxy. Ferdinand and Isabella were given the title the Catholic monarchs by  Pope Alexander VI in recognition of their role in purifying the faith. Among Isabellas other religious pursuits, she took a special interest in the Poor Clares. an order of nuns. Isabella and Ferdinand planned to unify all of Spain by continuing a long-standing but stalled effort to expel the Moors, Muslims who held parts of Spain. In 1492, the Muslim Kingdom of Granada fell to Isabella and Ferdinand, thus completing the Reconquista. That same year, Isabella and Ferdinand issued an edict expelling all Jews in Spain who refused to convert to Christianity. New World Also in 1492, Christopher Columbus convinced Isabella to sponsor his first voyage of exploration. By the traditions of the time, when Columbus was the first European to encounter lands in the New World, these lands were given to Castile. Isabella took a special interest in the Native Americans of the new lands. When some were brought back to Spain as slaves, she insisted they be returned and freed, and her will expressed her wish that the Indians be treated with justice and fairness. Death and Legacy By her death on Nov. 26, 1504, Isabellas sons, grandsons, and her older daughter Isabella, queen of Portugal, had already died, leaving as Isabellas only heir Mad Joan Juana, who became queen of Castile in 1504 and of Aragon in 1516. Isabella was a patron of scholars and artists, establishing educational institutions and building a large collection of artwork. She learned Latin as an adult and was widely read, and she educated her daughters as well as her sons. The youngest daughter, Catherine of Aragon, became the first wife of Henry VIII of England and mother of Mary I of England. Isabellas will, the only writing that she left, summarizes what she thought were her reigns achievements as well as her wishes for the future. In 1958, the Roman Catholic church began the process to canonize Isabella.  After an exhaustive investigation, the commission appointed by the church determined that she had a reputation of sanctity and was inspired by Christian values. In 1974, she was recognized with the title Servant of God by the Vatican, a step in the process of canonization. Sources Isabella I: Queen of Spain. Encyclopedia Brittanica.Isabella I.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Clark Surname Meaning and Origin

Clark Surname Meaning and Origin The Clark surname is an occupational name for cleric, clerk, or scholar - one who can read and write, from the Old English cler(e)c, meaning priest.  Also from the Gaelic Mac a Chlerich/Cleireach; son of the cleric or, sometimes, clerk. During the Middle Ages, the common pronunciation of -er was -ar, so the man who sold items was the marchant, and the man who kept the books was the clark. At the time, the primary members of the literate class were the clergy, which in minor orders were allowed to marry and have families. The term clerk (clark) eventually came to designate any literate man. The Cleary / OClery surname, one of the oldest surnames in Ireland, is often anglicized to Clarke or Clark. Clark is the 25th most popular surname in the United States and the 34th most common in England. Clarke, with an e, is actually more common in England - coming in as the 23rd most popular surname. It is also a very common name in Scotland (14th) and Ireland. Surname Origin English, Irish Alternate Surname Spellings ï » ¿CLARKE, CLERK, CLERKE Famous People With the Surname CLARK William Clark - one half of the legendary Lewis Clark expedition to the Pacific Ocean, along with Meriwether Lewis.Guy Clark - American singer/songwriterArthur C. Clarke - British science fiction writer, best known for 2001: A Space Odyssey Genealogy Resources for the Surname CLARK 100 Most Common U.S. Surnames Their MeaningsSmith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, Brown... Are you one of the millions of Americans sporting one of these top 100 common last names from the 2000 census? Clark(e) Surname DNA ProjectThis project was started to determine if the early Clark families in Virginia were of the same family, and/or if they were connected to explorer William Clark. The project has now expanded to include a broader scope of Clark families around the world. Clark Family Genealogy ForumSearch this popular genealogy forum for the Clark surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Clark query. There is also a separate forum for the CLARKE variation of the Clark surname. FamilySearch - CLARK GenealogyFind records, queries, and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Clark surname and its variations. - CLARK Genealogy Family HistoryFree databases and genealogy links for the last name Clark. - References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Avotaynu, 2005. Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Avotaynu, 2004. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Ethno Science Approach and its View of the Role of Marriage in a Thesis

The Ethno Science Approach and its View of the Role of Marriage in a Society - Thesis Example The purpose of this study is to understand different roles marriage plays in the creation of extended families and kinship patterns. The paper is aimed at an audience of contemporary 21st century couples whose definition of marriage is rooted on the concept of love and compatibility. Bell (1997) describes marriage as a relationship between a man, or more than one man, and one or more than one woman with a â€Å"demand-right of sexual access within a domestic group and identifies women who bear the obligation of yielding to the demands of those specific men† (237). An ethno science approach to the functions of the social institute of marriage seeks to arrive at an accurate and concise description from the eyes of the participants. This is in contrary to the generalized perception of marriage in the contemporary society where marriage fundamentally serves to provide legal and social recognition of a union between two people. For an ethno science perspective, marriage plays a key role in creation of new kinship ties, in the up-bringing of children conceived within the union. Marriage also plays a role in describing the acceptable and unacceptable sexual relations between different members of the society. Ethno science recognizes the role marriage plays in fu nctional division of labor, emotional support, procreation, and rearing of children. Marriage in this case involves the two individuals in the union as well as the social and economic organization of the

Friday, October 18, 2019

4 Blog posts for my business website. It's related to wedding industry Essay

4 Blog posts for my business website. It's related to wedding industry - Essay Example Customs dictate that they send out written announcements telling people about your engagement. These days they can make your announcements personally by making phone calls and sending emails. There is of course a much more convenient way to go about things. Sending out formal engagement announcement cards is a practical option which in cases of a long engagement should only be sent out to the people you want to invite to the wedding. Ordinarily the parents of the bride send out the announcement cards though couples have been known to send out their own cards as well. The writing on the cards is straightforward, never revealing where or when the wedding is going to be. Even if some brides see the tradition of newspaper announcements for their engagement or their wedding as a relic of the past. The difference between the two announcements is that engagement announcements quite a while before the wedding while the wedding announcement is printed a little afterwards. There is no denying that such announcements can have great sentimental value, especially for parents and grandparents who love the idea. Even if you’re not really interested in getting both your names printed in the paper, it’s better to just make them happy and save your energy for the battles ahead. If you really are not into getting it done just send your parents who want it published a picture and let them do the hard work for you. The best part is that you can choose any paper that works for you. You can either get the announcement published in the paper in your local hometown even if you haven’t been there in a while or you can even get it printed in the local paper which delivers right to your door. Of course it’s best to check each the requirements of each paper on their website. They can detail your names and occupations as well as the same for your parents. There is also a photograph in

Expanding Your Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Expanding Your Business - Assignment Example Guerrilla marketing strategy involves the use of unconventional and low cost advertising strategy to promote the business. Such strategy is often used locally and through an organized network which actually promotes the business and advances it in relatively unconventional manner. (Levinson, 2003) This marketing plan is related with the marketing of the new coffee shop and is based upon offering a critical strategic outlook and insight into the overall marketing efforts to be taken. The overall product range will not be limited to the freshly served coffee only but will also include selling merchandize such as caps, t-shirts and other items thus increasing the overall products to sell. Since Hot and Sweet Cafà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ positions itself as an organization for all, who prefers hot and cold beverages. The customer profile of ‘Hot and Sweet Cafà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ ranges between an age-group of 15- 45 years. Considering this, the overall goals to be achieved by executing this strategy include: It is critical to note that the owners of the business are assuming that the overall access to finances will be restricted at the early stages. In order to overcome this, it is therefore important to initiate and set up a marketing campaign which can deliver results without incurring much of the cost. 1. In order to expand the business, marketing buzz will be created for the cafà © at local level. An undercover marketing campaign will be started to create the opportunities for interaction between the consumers and the business to increase the overall exposure of the product. The overall marketing buzz will be created through word of mouth as well as through the viral marketing on social media. 2. Viral marketing will be started with specific targeting on the local consumers in the area. With the help of the online marketing platforms such as facebook and Google ads, a local campaign will be started to attract

Class Action Lawsuit Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Class Action Lawsuit - Research Paper Example Player safety has long been a highly controversial issue in American football and traumatic injuries have been in the center of the causes. Prevention of injuries in this support has caught media attention and has been on public service messages and being dealt with on different training levels. Unfortunately, this has not been enough. The number of players suffering is large enough this time again to make a joinder impracticable; hence the class action lawsuit was filed, while others still continue to sue the league individually. The lawsuits accuse the National Football League of fraudulent concealment, material misrepresentation, conspiracy, negligence, obfuscation and negligent misrepresentation. The players claim that, whether or not they had played differently, if they were fully informed, the league’s failures would not get an excuse. They allege that the league failed to take proper precaution for the protection of its players from repeated hits on the head which resulted in brain injuries later in life. Players cite short term memory loss, depression, mood swings, long term brain injuries, dementia and chronic traumatic encephalopathy being suffered by many of them as a result of what was the National Football League’s responsibility. A master complaint has been filed, consisting of over 100 lawsuits at the moment involving over a 1000 ex-players, while the league vehemently denies the accusations. Being the plaintiffs’ attorney, it is natural to make the first move and make use of the tactical advantage and build the lawsuit based on the inherent advantage of acting first. Keeping the timing in control and handling the sequence of discovery accordingly, it is most appropriate to keep the defendant in a defensive position for the entire lawsuit and keep the players’ perspective dominating. The best course of action would be to take the steps to schedule the discovery and keep the defendant’s hands on to producing discovery which they cannot lawfully resist; a step further on requiring full details and a full paper discovery in depositions would enhance the chance for a favorable settlement or verdict (Coffee 677-678). A case filed when everything is set and ready is to be good enough to challenge the defendant's sufficiency in each of the answers to make it possible for a move to strike as an insufficient defense under US Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(f). The next step would be to keep the defendants on a firm deadline, be it the scheduling of discovery or trial dates, and get what you require in waves or groups of interrogatories and requests starting from the documents relating to the league’s information on head injuries and prevention followed by a wave of depositions of the league’s current and former employees and designates. The essential part in this approach would be to wait till completely making your case before producing the players in the court for testimony or deposition, not only keeping the defense lawyers anxious to get at the plaintiffs by raising comparative faults and judgment errors on behalf of players but also not giving them the opportunity to have a re-deposition. Producing the experts for opinion and fact verification and then questioning the defendant’s experts would maintain the initial advantage on the case, giving you the chance to question the defendant's documents and experts after they have had to question yours. Keeping a systematic approach towards the case

Thursday, October 17, 2019

American Playwright Charles Ludlam and his impact on the arts world as Research Paper

American Playwright Charles Ludlam and his impact on the arts world as a Renowned Arts Leader - Research Paper Example After this, he wandered to a freak show where he saw a group of armless black dwarves busy painting pictures with their toes. The Catholic Church, with its high pageantry and religious ritual was a prominent force in his family. Right across the street from his home, there was a movie theater. Ludlam was therefore encouraged to explore his vivid childhood imagination, producing basement and backyard plays and vignettes with other children in the neighborhood (Gary, 2005). Throughout his high school, Ludlam as known as a rebel and outcast and his first formal exposure to theatre was through an apprenticeship in 1958 at the Red Barn Theater, a summer stock company. Here, Ludlam was exposed to the often haphazard, frantic and chaotic theater experience. Ludlam then begun pursuing his interest in theatre arts by travelling to New York where he saw a variety of theatrical entertainment ranging from the commercial to the avant-garde productions to the experimental. The Living Theatre in particular was of significant motivation and influence Ludlam such that at the age of 17, he founded his own avant-garde arts company which he named the Student’s Repertory Theater. This was in Northport, New York. Later on in life, the multidimensional, prolific artist became responsible for responsible for founding and growing The Ridiculous Theatrical Company, one of the most unique theater enterprises in America. As the founder of the Ridiculous Theatrical Company, Ludlam’s work in theatre and film had made him a recognized renowned arts leader. This is mainly because his theatrical work made a break with the existing dominant trends in theatre of realistic settings and naturalistic acting. The introduction of some elements of queer performance to avant-garde theatre was very evident since the formation of Ridiculous Theatrical Company (Wilmeth and Miller, 1996). This was the major stage

The Great Gatsby Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

The Great Gatsby - Essay Example The novel provides an exploration of Gatsby’s journey in achieving wealth, success and love with passionate optimism while ironically submitting into moral corruption and questionable lifestyle in the process. This paper aims to analyze how the conflict between Gatsby’s representation of an average American’s hopes, dreams and aspirations with his personal, professional and social life conditions affect his capacity to accomplish his ambitions. Wealthy New Yorker James Gatsby is the central character of the novel. Born as James Gatz, he longed to escape from the impoverished life that he was born into from rural South Dakota and possess wealth and sophistication. While studying in college, he worked as a janitor to support his finances but abruptly quitted because of the difficulty of the job. The one thing that inspired and deeply motivated Gatsby to achieve his goals is his love for Daisy Buchanan, a young girl born from luxury and grace that he met before leaving for the World War I as an enlisted officer in 1917. He firmly believed that he can convince her that he was good for her if he has already established his fortune and become a notable name in society. Daisy promised to wait for him though she married football player Tom Buchanan just after two years and settled in the old rich community of East Egg in New York. Heartbroken, Gatsby finished his studies in Oxford and concentrated on getting Daisy back by particip ating in organized crimes such as stealing bond securities and distributing illegal alcohol. His changing of his name symbolizes his reinvention as he improved his social and economic status. After acquiring millions of dollars, Gatsby bought a mansion in West Egg and threw weekly lavish parties in order to lure Daisy in joining such. Expectedly, Gatsby and Daisy’s paths crossed in the wealthy society of New York. Facing the moment that he prepared for several years, Gatsby showed his wealth and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

American Playwright Charles Ludlam and his impact on the arts world as Research Paper

American Playwright Charles Ludlam and his impact on the arts world as a Renowned Arts Leader - Research Paper Example After this, he wandered to a freak show where he saw a group of armless black dwarves busy painting pictures with their toes. The Catholic Church, with its high pageantry and religious ritual was a prominent force in his family. Right across the street from his home, there was a movie theater. Ludlam was therefore encouraged to explore his vivid childhood imagination, producing basement and backyard plays and vignettes with other children in the neighborhood (Gary, 2005). Throughout his high school, Ludlam as known as a rebel and outcast and his first formal exposure to theatre was through an apprenticeship in 1958 at the Red Barn Theater, a summer stock company. Here, Ludlam was exposed to the often haphazard, frantic and chaotic theater experience. Ludlam then begun pursuing his interest in theatre arts by travelling to New York where he saw a variety of theatrical entertainment ranging from the commercial to the avant-garde productions to the experimental. The Living Theatre in particular was of significant motivation and influence Ludlam such that at the age of 17, he founded his own avant-garde arts company which he named the Student’s Repertory Theater. This was in Northport, New York. Later on in life, the multidimensional, prolific artist became responsible for responsible for founding and growing The Ridiculous Theatrical Company, one of the most unique theater enterprises in America. As the founder of the Ridiculous Theatrical Company, Ludlam’s work in theatre and film had made him a recognized renowned arts leader. This is mainly because his theatrical work made a break with the existing dominant trends in theatre of realistic settings and naturalistic acting. The introduction of some elements of queer performance to avant-garde theatre was very evident since the formation of Ridiculous Theatrical Company (Wilmeth and Miller, 1996). This was the major stage

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

University of Phoenix Online Learning System User’s Manual Essay Example for Free

University of Phoenix Online Learning System User’s Manual Essay The University of Phoenix Online Learning System is a web-based education program that offers students to earn degrees in the most convenient and efficient way possible. Students would have to be enrolled first in the University of Phoenix before they can register to the University’s Online Learning System. To access the system, students would have to login to https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/login. asp and enter their specified user login name and password. The user login name and password could be specified by registering to the website. First time users would have to register. To do this, users would just have to click on the link that states â€Å"New Users SIGN UP here† found at the upper-left hand corner of the page and fill out the form that appears on the next page. Note that the user could choose his or her preferred login name and password. Once the user has successfully registered, he or she could now login to the University of Phoenix Online Learning System. The user would have to input the user login name and password to access the system. The user login name and password must match those that were specified during registration. Also note that the password is case-sensitive. Once successfully logging in, the system will direct the user in his or her main page where current enrolled courses are listed. Links to other services like publications, site tools, resource information and others are also listed on the left side of the page. There are also links to important messages in the right side of the page. There is also links where users could pay his or her bills, access his or her learning resources, view the grade report, and access the learning team. However, the most important is being able to enter into the class. Clicking on the â€Å"Open rEsource† link allows the users to view lectures. Lecture topics are organized by week. Each topic listed per week is a link where resources for the lectures are displayed under the â€Å"Materials† section. Topic objectives and assessments are also displayed. Clicking on a resource found under the â€Å"Materials† section opens a new window where the lecture is displayed. Note that some lectures are from an e-book collection and may or may not be able to be viewed using the browser. In cases where it does not allow to be viewed on the browser, the e-book must be downloaded. Users could download the e-book by clicking on the â€Å"Download eBook† link found on the upper part of the page. Users could also choose to buy the book by clicking on the â€Å"Buy This Book† link, and choose to print the current chapter by clicking on the â€Å"Print Chapter† link. These links are found at the upper portion of the page, along with the â€Å"Download eBook† link. Also note that some e-book collections are in protected PDF format from which username and password are required. Users could use the same user login name and password used to log into the system to view the contents of a protected PDF resource. Users could now read at their convenience the resource for the lectures. As already specified, the user’s main page displays classes currently enrolled in by the user. The details include the course name, schedule, and the instructor’s name along with other information. Each course has a button or link that states â€Å"Go To Class. † Users would have to click on that link to enter the class and access class discussions and lectures. Students enrolled in online courses could also collaborate with a working team. The link that states â€Å"Learning Team† found with each course listed on the main page allows users to access their learning team. The University of Phoenix Online Learning System allows students t complete coursework through electronic forums. This is accessed by entering a class from the user or student’s main page. The Online Learning System also allows students to receive lecture notes, questions, and assignments electronically. Students who are enrolled in online courses have therefore the luxury of studying at their convenience by choosing the time and place to study—that is, students could avoid conflicting schedules.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Hindustan unilever limited

Hindustan unilever limited Hindustan Unilever Limited Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is Indias largest fast moving consumer goods company, with leadership in Home Personal Care Products and Foods Beverages. HULs brands, spread across 20 distinct consumer categories, touch the lives of two out of three Indians. Hindustan unilever limited is one of Indias (FMCG) fast moving consumer goods company and have brands like Lifebuoy, Lux , Surf Excel, Rin, Wheel, Fair Lovely, Ponds, Sunsilk, Clinic, Pepsodent, Close-up, Lakme, Brooke Bond, Kissan, Knorr , Kwality Walls are household names across the country and other products such as soaps, detergents, personal products, tea, coffee etc The mission that inspires HULs over 15,000 employees is to add vitality to life. With 35 Power Brands, HUL meets every day needs for nutrition, hygiene, and personal care with brands that help people feel good, look good and get more out of life. It is a mission HUL shares with its parent company, Unilever, which holds 52.10% of the equity. A Fortune 500 transnational, Unilever sells Foods and Home and Personal Care brands in about 100 countries worldwide. MISSION Unilevers mission is to add Vitality to life. We meet everyday needs for nutrition, hygiene, and personal care with brands that help people feel good, look good and get more out of life. CORPORATE MISSION Unilevers mission is to add Vitality to life. We meet everyday needs for nutrition; hygiene and personal care with brands that help people feel good, look good and get more out of life. Our deep roots in local cultures and markets around the world give us our strong relationship with consumers and are the foundation for our future growth. We will bring our wealth of knowledge and international expertise to the service of local consumers a truly multi-local multinational. Our long-term success requires a total commitment to exceptional standards of performance and productivity, to working together effectively, and to a willingness to embrace new ideas and learn continuously. To succeed also requires, we believe, the highest standards of corporate behaviour towards everyone we work with, the communities we touch, and the environment on which we have an impact. This is our road to sustainable, profitable growth, creating long-term value for our shareholders, our people, and our business partners. MARKETING OBJECTIVE The marketing objective is to establish the company as an expert in the marketplace .Lux has to establish an expert in the marketplace. Lux has to establish itself as a leader in the market. To accomplish this objective, customers must faith on its products. Objective metric :-To extend the business. To accomplish this marketing objective .Lux must have to tie-ups some other branded (Foreign) company and produce very good quality products. People know about at least more countries and use it. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths Company has advanced technology and well skilled professionals. The new Lux face wash is a high quality product in term of skin problems and protection. The target market is educated, professionals and belongs to premium and middle class Company totally owned, systematic distribution network, transparent communication system. Weakness Competitors have strong promotional activities. Imported brands also available in the markets. Customers are offered better alternatives by the competition. Opportunities Population expands at a rapid rate. Consumers are becoming more quality conscious. Rural areas are a large prospective market where they can introduce lux face wash. Customer base is increasing with effective marketing. Threats Political and Economical factors. Partial Government policies. High rate of competition. Local and foreign competitors INTRODUCTION TO LUX Lux Soap came into existence in 1964. Lux occupies a large market share in the Pakistani soap market as well as the international arena. The new Lux, with the sunscreen formula, is targeted to a different market segment as compared previously to previous Lux. Lux is the first brand to bring the sunscreen concept in soap industry. Lux plans to cater to all these customers. Beauty begins with Lux. The strategy that is used by lever brother for their lux sunscreen is on specific product Benefits strategy as the lux sunscreen promotes Sun Protection benefit as well as beauty .Lux sunscreen revolves around the slogan that is:Lux Sunscreen. Lux Soap came into existence in 1964. Subsequently it was launched in the US in 1916, and marketed as laundry soap targeted specifically at delicates. Lever Brothers encouraged women to home launder their clothes without fear of satins and silks being turned yellow by harsh lyes that were often used in soaps at the time. The flake-type soap allowed the manufacturer some leeway from lye because it did not need to be shaped into traditional cake-shaped loaves as other soaps were. The result was a gentler soap that dissolved more readily and was advertised as suitable for home laundry use. Lux is currently a product of Unilever. The name Lux was chosen as the Latin word for light. Lux toilet soap was introduced as bathroom soap in the US in 1925 and in the UK in 1928 as a brand extension of Lux soap flakes. Subsequently Lux soap has been marketed in several forms, including hand wash, shower gel and cream bath soap. Lux soap was launched in India in 1929. The very first advertisement in 1929 featured Leela Chitnis as its brand ambassador. It was branded in India as the beauty soap of film stars. Delight to the senses: Everything about the brand from the look and feel of the products and packaging to the subtle fragrances is a delight to the senses. In fact, Lux has been making waves since 1924, when it launched the worlds first mass-market beauty soap at a fraction of the cost of some expensive brands. How it all started Lux was first introduced as toilet soap in 1925. Produced by Lever Brothers, it arrived in the UK in 1928, offering people a chance to pamper themselves for a modest price. From the 1930s right through to the 1970s, Lux soap colours and packaging were altered several times to reflect fashion trends. In 1958 five colours made up the range: pink, white, blue, green and yellow. People enjoyed matching their soap with their bathroom colours. In the early 1990s, Lux responded to the growing trend away from traditional soap bars by launching its own range of shower gels, liquid soaps and moisturising bars. Lux beauty facial wash, Lux beauty bath and Lux beauty shower were launched in 1992. In 2004, the entire Lux range was relaunched in the UK to include five shower gels, three bath products and two new soap bars. 2005 saw the launch of three exciting new variants with dreamy names such as Wine Roses bath cream, Glowing Touch and Sparkling Morning shower gels. PRODUCTS OF LUX Top of Form Lux Bath Glowing Touch Lux Bath Shimmering Sea Refreshing Foam Bath Lux Bath Wine Roses Lux Heavenly Milk Indulging Cream Bath Lux Light Reflect Body Moisturiser Lux Liquid Hand Wash Heavenly Milk Lux Liquid Hand Wash Shimmering Sea Lux Nutri Pearls Body Moisturiser Lux Oils of the Orient Pampering Cream Bath Lux Shower Cream Heavenly Milk Lux Shower Cream Oils of the Orient Lux Shower Gel Nutri Pearls Lux Shower Gel Shimmering Sea Lux Shower Gel Summer Massage Lux Shower Gel Wine Roses Lux Shower Glowing Touch Lux Shower Sparkling Morning Lux Soap Bar Silky Touch Lux Soap Creamy Perfection Lux Soap Marine Massage Bottom of Form LAUNCHING OF LUX FACE WASH We are proud to propose a new range of deodorant protection brings you incredible natural effectiveness that is kind to both you and environment. This year launch of the new variant lux faces wash, with the baseline FEEL FRESH to communicate its positioning. It addresses towards the need for removing unnecessary dirt and feels your skin soft and fresh through the unique proposition of FACE WASH. Today in the market, lux has three distinct variants, Lux deo, beauty soap, creams continues to operate in the healthy skin category. Lux soaps are the strongest player in freshness category. This is a natural extract recommended by a professional dermatologist in Arizona, U.S.A. It was already approved for safety and hygene.Lux Face Wash is the latest offer from the HUL. This latest Face wash is based at make your skin free from dirt and feels fresh and soft skin. It comes for oily skin. Product profile Lux Face Wash the first step in facial care for soft, smooth skin. For clean and soft skin that glows suitable for all skin-types. How it works: Thoroughly cleanses without leaving slippery feeling on skin. Cleans skin 100% soap free formula with rich lather penetrates and removes deep rooted dirt, leaving your skin cleaner and smoother. Gentle on skin. Active Cleansing System cleans gently and cares for your skin better than soap. Results: Clean, soft, glowing skin. Usage: Splash faces with water and apply face wash on face and neck. Rinse off. Pat dry. If face-wash gets into your eyes, rinse well with water. Soap free washing preparation with organic surface active agents. Key Ingredients: Glycerin, Sodium Lareth Sulphate, Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E Acetate). PRICING Unilever claims to practice value based pricing in which the customer perception of the products price provides a starting point for developing the marketing mix of the product. The research department determines this price usually by using focus groups. The primary importance of this value based pricing is that the product demand will be much higher if its price is in line with the customers perception of its value. One crucial concern for value based pricing is strict management of cost in order to be able to make a profit at the value based price. After the initial price is determined Unilever then uses target costing in order to achieve the required profits. With the marketing plan now being termed as Annual contact the importance of meeting the profit margin requirements has increased. Target costing thus provides as essential tool to manage cost effectively. The characteristics of monopolistic competition typifying the market set the threshold for pricing. This market over a range of prices. The key element is differentiation which allows the sellers to gain market share in contrasts to competitors. Last year lakme, Himalaya, Ponds revised their prices which has increased the prices of their face wash considerably but lux has maintained its price and their prices are much lower than Ponds, lakme. Being a poor country people go for products which are within the range of Rs 50. Promotion LUX has been closely identified by its innovation, which is reflected in its promotions. It was the first brand of this category that comes up with an idea of creative offers like gold coins and pendants in soap. After getting a good response from these offers they started new offers to increase the sales like, Buy1 Get 1 Free. LUX advertising always had a strong impact on customers by carefully choosing the elements which reflect aspects of the brand. No wonder then, the commercials featuring of celebrities like, Hema Malani, Aishwarya Rai and kareena Kapoor makes the Lux very famous among womens and this creates an curiosity in the mind of girls for using the product. The confidence that advertisement shows were closely connected to the properties of the Lux product. The lux face washes targets audiences in the markets of India that has appealed for only girls. The current advertising reinforces this bond and the fact that lux has provided protection over the years. STEPS IN LAUNCHING OF FACE WASH HUL want to launch a new product of lux into market. This time company is launching lux face wash with different fragrances for girls facing problem of oily skin They had done homework and decided exactly what to offer and how to generate sales. It is very difficult to increase sales because these days large number of products were launched everyday and there is very tough competition in market. So for this there is a proper procedure to launch product in the market and defined a proper procedure of launching a new product in the market. Lux face wash is the brand extension of the lux range and it will provide benefit in the success of the product. These are the following steps kept in mind. 1. Identifying the competitors: Before launching the product a proper market study must be done to know the competitors in the market and their strategies. There are various competitors of HUL in market offering large range of products like lakme, ponds, Himalaya etc. So for this there is a need of market survey and have to take a serious look at competitors by doing the proper SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis. By doing swot analysis strategies and target market of competitors will come to know and helps in making the policies to compete with them. As HUL is launching face wash under the brand name LUX it is important to know the products offered in the market by competitors. There are various products like ponds, lakme etc offered by competitors but if new product or service is entirely unique and without any competition, its important to put product according to the customers prospective .Once it is decided whom will be competitors, review their mar keting strategy, including their ads, brochures and websites and target market after all the process it is to be evaluated how new product will stand up against other products. 2. Target the customer. To successfully launch a new product with minimum financial outlay, its essential to focus exclusively on those customers who are targeted according to the different segments. These customers may be those peoples currently buying something else and can appreciate the additional features of new product offered to them. So for targeting the market there must be a proper segmentation according to age, sex, preferences etc. There will be a proper positioning of product in the mind of the customers. The main target customer of the lux face wash is girls. 3. Define marketing strategy and techniques. After defining the target customer, sales and marketing channels also must be decided. It must be decided whether to do distribute through internet or dealers .Generally, multichannel marketing achieve the greatest success .It is necessary to know target customer and target market. Suppose your strategy is to market a low-cost customer you might choose traditional direct marketing sales as your primary channel. The trend from traditional strategies based on personalization, rather than generalization approaches integrated. If you want to target high cost customer you might use traditional as well as modern techniques to distribute the products. HUL involve the whole organization, because it needs both internal and external communications to identify the strategy and direction of the organization. 4. Test concept and marketing approach. With all the efforts and money it takes to bring a new product to market, it is foolishness to rush to the launch phase before testing your product. Its best to examine product, marketing message and marketing materials offered by the company. Before launching the product it is to be tested whether the product will be accepted by the customer or not. Only after testing is complete, company should proceed to the final creation of marketing approach and strategy. 5. Positioning:-Positioning is the art of designing the companys offer and image to occupy a place in the mind of the target customers. The goal is to locate the brand in the mind of consumers to maximize the benefits of the firm. Positioning starts with a product. Therefore it is important to develop approach in order to obtain a brand image, target the market and to position the LUX deo to their respective target markets. The present report focuses on the explanation of the promotional, marketing mix and business strategy. 6. Roll out campaign. Campaign often plays a vital role in the launch of a product. There are various ways of campaign like through advertisement, events, public relations etc .But no matter what publicity route you choose, first make sure your product is ready and available for purchase in order to maximize returns. And other marketing efforts should follow closely on the press roll out. Monitor the results of all media, and in the first weeks and months, be prepared to adjust campaign to take advantage of what is working best. Company must hold various promotional events, advertisements for the promotion of the product. As HLL is launching the deo there must awareness and availability of the product in market which is only possible by promotional campaign. All the Medias like newspapers, TV, radios; internet etc must be used for the promotion of the product. 7. Launch of the product: After a proper campaign process it is to be decided about the launch of the product keeping in mind the various concepts of marketing mix. A proper process must be followed keeping in mind the 4ps price, place, product, promotion .when all is set launch product by handling an inaugural ceremony. 8. Taking the feedback from customer:- work doesnt ends after launch of the product now its time to take feedback from customer about the product. Feedback will tell whether the product is successful or not. Company will also come to know about the need of customer and can review the product. Feedback is necessary because by this it can be specified that what consumers want and what they are getting. It will also help in the launching of new product. 9. Know your products lifecycle. The campaign which is used during the introduction phase of product launch will need to be updated as product matures. It is needed to monitor the marketing results carefully and record the results that will indicate when its time to revise the product, media message for generating the higher revenue. This is needed because every product reaches the maturity stage where revenue generations decrease and its time to review the product. MARKET GROWTH OF FACE WASH This graph shows the market growth of the product after the one month of launch up to the fifth month. According to this market survey products market share increases rapidly but due to tough competition in the market it starts declining at the ending of second month. Graphic representation of product growth But after the end of the third month sales increases due to the quick response of the company.HUL increases the sales promotion of deodorant creates awareness in the market. Due to this there is increase in the sales and remain constant up to fifth month. This shows that after launching the product job doesnt ends product but it needs regular promotion in case of new product. After examining the market cause of decline in the growth of product indicates that it is caused by due to the decrease in the price of the other companys product. So here HUL reduces its products prices and records increase in the growth rate and maintained it. Market survey is must in todays competitive world because market trends keep on changing regularly so thats why its necessary. Evaluation and control Evaluation is main part how we done all the things market research , knowledge about competitors strategy target market product promotion evaluation and good control over all these activities are very essential. Responsible Management Responsibility management solves most of important problem faced by system administrator. Employees should have proper responsibility about management. Place Distribution: Place and distribution channels play an important role of product. IMPLEMENTATION OF TIME TABLE 1. The company plans to more market shares at the end of 2010. 2. The company plans to have secured selling in each region of the country even abroad i.e. global market. SUMMARY HUL has to sale its new product LUX face wash throughout the country and also target the new entry. For this HUL has to set quarterly and yearly sales target and actual sales will be compared to these quarterly plans One major concern is that the current financial strategy of supporting. We have to new business by personal funds. Finally we have to utilize all marketing plans.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Different Styles of Spoken Language :: Essays on Spoken Language

Throughout my life I have worked in a variety of settings and have learned various skills and techniques when it comes to dealing with others. One of those skills I have learned is how to use different styles of spoken language, to fit in and become accepted. By using different styles in different working environments I have mastered the skill of tongue twisting. Meaning that I am able to convince people I know what I am talking about and make them feel at ease when talking to me. This paper is going to examine two working environments that are very different from one another and in both I used spoken style of speech to become accepted and good at my job. One of the jobs I worked at was, The Graduate Business library of St. Thomas University and the other was, Diversified plastics Manufacturing Plant. Both in comparison, were like night and day. I will describe the two working environments and show the styles I had to incorporate into each job. First, was the Graduate Business Library of St. Thomas University. This was a computer and business resource center that is located in the center of downtown Minneapolis, only blocks away from Orchestra Hall. The people I worked with and assisted were primarily graduate students and professors. I started this job my freshman year and at first it was overwhelming the amount of research data and various business tools, that I had to know and use. I don't know how many of you have ever had to work with graduate students and professors, but they are always in a hurry and they are very demanding. At this job I needed to jump up from the freshman stereotypes and convince them I know what I am talking about. They had no time to listen to a beginning year college student and their seasoned years of school made it difficult to gain their respect. Now I, being the only night assistant realized that given my working environment I had to learn as much as I possible could to somehow gain their re spect. Not so much respect for me, but respect that I was giving them my best effort and all the available resources our center had. By doing this, I developed a style in which I could convince others that and command them, instead of them commanding me. The style I categorized is one with authority and confidence.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

The numbers of marine mammals present in waters under the jurisdiction of the United States has fluctuated over the past century. Declines have been credited to various causes, which are a mix of anthropogenic and natural processes. One major cause of marine mammal decline is whaling. Even though this practice has been prohibited, the effects of commercial whaling in the United States can still be seen today. The main whale species affected included North Pacific right whales (Eubalaena japonica), bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus), humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus), and gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus). Sei whales (Balaenoptera borealis) and sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) were exploited in an increased fashion after World War II (Springer et al., 2003). Whaling did not only affect whale populations, but it also affects populations of seals, sea lions, and sea otters. This is hypothesized to be the result of top-down forces from whaling, forcing great whales to shift their food sources to these smaller marine mammals. During the Second World War, whaling of great whales was at its peak. These whales were used for oils for lubricants, food, and other needs of the people of the United States. However, this heavy use of great whale stocks forced killer whales (Orcinus orca) to begin feeding on smaller marine mammals, such as seals, sea lions, and sea otters (Trites et al., 2006). It is also thought that declines in these smaller marine mammals is due to a decline in nutritional limits in their habitats, competition with fisheries, as well as changing climates. The North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) has had a slow recovery since the cessation of commercial... and acts such as the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the Endangered Species Act, Fur Seal Act, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, and the Coastal Management Act, have all helped to prevent the stocks of these important organisms from declining even further. Even though these have been enacted, the general public still needs to be educated and made aware of the population trends of these animals, as well as their importance to the tropic systems surrounding our coastlines. Many individuals do not realize, for instance, that Sea Otters are a keystone species in kelp bed habitats, and without them, kelp forests would dwindle in numbers and the health of those ecosystems would decline rapidly. Kelp forests provide habitat for over a thousand species of animals, many of which are important for fisheries and without those forests, fish abundance would fall as well.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Organizational Systems Essay

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a tool designed to help identify not only what and how an event occurred, but also why it happened. We can see from this scenario that the root cause is the lack of oxygen given to this patient, however it is not the only cause. A string of events lead to this patients demise. The first and most important cause was that hospital policy was overlooked. In the scenario it stated. Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a tool designed to help identify not only what and how an event occurred, but also why it happened. We can see from this scenario that the root cause is the lack of oxygen given to this patient, however it is not the only cause. A string of events lead to this patients demise. The first and most important cause was that hospital policy was overlooked. In the scenario it stated â€Å"A moderate sedation/analgesia (â€Å"conscious sedation†) policy requires that the patient remains on continuous B/P, ECG, and pulse oximeter throughout the procedur e and until the patient meets specific discharge criteria (i.e., fully awake, VSS, no N/V, and able to void).† The trained nurse had the equipment to insure that this policy was followed, however failed to perform her duties as required by this policy. The second event is that the LPN reset the alarm and made no effort to provide an intervention for the alarm. The LPN did not inform the RN of the O2 Saturation level. The LPN Was not trained properly. The third event was that there was not enough staff called in for the level of acuity that these patients had. The administration should have been made aware of the emergency coming in and called in more staff to accommodate the staffing need. The errors or hazards in care in the scenario were that the RN failed to follow hospital policy to continuous monitor the patient. LPN was not properly trained to handle patients with a higher acuity. LPN failed to report and respond to the alarm. It would be helpful if the parties involved with this event come together and discuss on what failed and how they can improve the system. To decrease the likelihood of this happening again the data collected from the RCA needs to  be presented and a plan needs to be implemented so that all the staff can know what to do if this situation occurs in the future. Implementing a plan where all the parties are involved will insure that policy that is implemented will be followed through and a since of teamwork and collaboration will be felt. Lewin’s change model talks about people that are frozen in their idea of how certain processes should work, and need to be unfrozen in their process in order to make a change. In the scenario, the staff may be stuck in a process of how they perform their job. When things in the ER got busy, The nurse may have felt that since she has experience and is qualified she could handle things in the ER with just the help of the LPN. If this Nurse was not frozen in her old ways she would have realized that knowing when to call for help early enough is a nursing key behavior. Sometimes being stuck in your old ways is not what is best for the patient or yourself. If the future with change this Nurse has the potential to be a good advocate for other nurses and staff. She will be helpful in supporting change for the better of the patient. Lewin’s second model talks about what needs to be changed in a situation. In the scenario, the process of how moderate sedation is performed and followed up for each and every patient in any department needs to be changed. In order to make a change, staff needs to become involved and understand why this change will benefit the patient and the nursing staff. In order to make a change and have it successful the staff will need intrinsic motivators. According to Lewin’s change theory the staff will need to first, be open to the idea of this change and second, see how it can benefit the quality of care given to patients. Updating the moderate sedation policy to include a one on one â€Å"qualified† staff member to stay with the patient after sedation at all times until discharge criteria is met. Staff education, annual education and possibly mock sedation scenerio’s could help the staff learn in a â€Å"real life† situation what could go wrong and what could be done better. When the change has been introduced. Trial and errors are started and perfected and staff starts to use these changes in practice. It has a possibility to become normal to them and then the â€Å"refreezing† process can begin. Lewin’s refreezing process is referred to as, once new change is in practice the staff will then start to implement that changed process in everyday procedure, cause a refreezing process of new and improved procedure. After, Nurse J and the other staff members in  the ER and everywhere else in the hospital, practice and start applying these new changes into their everyday routine after several weeks, it will become second nature to them! (â€Å"Change theory,† February) Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) identifies all possible failures in a service rendered. â€Å"Failure modes† means the ways, or modes, in which something might fail. Failures are any errors or defects, especially ones that affect the customer, and can be potential or actual. â€Å"Effects analysis† refers to studying the consequence of those failures. (The Quality Toolbox.2004) The interdisciplinary team that should be included in the RCA and FMEA are everyone involved like all doctors, RN’s, LPN, administrators, and the joint commission. We would start by developing steps to assess risks of failure to patients in the process that is being used. The pre-steps needed to implement FMEA is that the interdisciplinary team needs to be in agreement with how many steps and the steps that accurately describe the process. For each Failure mode the team needs to assign a risk priority number (RPN), this is used to detect the likelihood of occurrence, detection an d severity. For every failure mode identified, the team should answer the following questions and assign the appropriate score. (the team should do this as a group and have consensus on all values assigned) 1) How likely is it that this failure mode will occur? 2)Assign a score between 1 and 10, with 1 meaning â€Å"very unlikely to occur† and 10 meaning â€Å"very likely to occur.† And 3) How likely will the error be caught before causing harm to the patient. (IHI.pdf) The first step in FMEA is to analysis how likely is it that this failure mode will occur and its severity of affect on the patient. To do this the hospital would assign a severity number to the process step that they are testing. The FMEA would have number 1 through 10. 1 would mean no harm would be done to the patient, 5 would be moderate harm to the patient and 9 or 10 would mean that the severity would be very bad with the worst possible outcome for the patient. Like in the case scenario if the process step they chose was: with no equipment for monitoring of a patient after sedation and without staff present or staff present and all equipment was present. The process failure mode was that the patient stops breathing and no one or no equipment was present. The number value for this scenario would then be assigned the highest number because of the high likelihood that it would have the worst outcome for the patient. The second step in the FMEA is  to analyze how often the error or potential problem is likely to happen in the process. The occurrence scale also has a numeric value of 1 to 10. 1 would be that the problem could occur in under 0.01 to every 1,000 people, 5 would represent about 5 people to every 1,000 people and 10 would have the highest occurrence of over 100 people to every 1,000 people, which would make it very likely that the event will occur. The hospital staff would than take their process step of not monitoring a patient after sedation and rate the occurrence of the process at how likely the event would happen. The hospital then can look at data from other hospitals that did not monitor patients after sedation to see the likelihood that they stop breathing to rate the number. The third and last step is how likely the error or problem can be caught before reaching the patient and on what degree of harm it can cause to the patient. The same principle applies to the detection scale of a scale of 1 to 10. All of the numerical scores would then be multiplied together: Severity x Occurrence x Detection = Score. A score over 100 would prompt the hospital to look into the problem more closely and anything below that number they may want to take off their agenda and focus on the more dangerous outcomes for the patients. (Forrest, 2010) The key role nurses would play in improving the quality of care in this situation. Are to implement a plan of action. They can sponsor classes for other staff to get educated. They can attend drills to rehearse different scenarios to be prepared for other events. Having nursing staff advocate for the change will also help the other staff follow by example when changes are made, especially if they know the reason is to help prevent harm to patients in their care. Nurses with the right tools, guidelines and policies are able to make sure that the care is the best quality for their patients. References Change theory. (January, 2014, 02). Retrieved February 20, 2015, from Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Tool. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2015, from Forrest, G. (2010, December 31). Quick guide to failure mode and effects analysis. Retrieved February 20, 2015, from IHI Institution for Healthcare Improvement. (n.d.). Lesson 5 testing changes (Pages 1-2). Retrieved from Policy name: Root cause analysis. (n.d.). Retrieved from Nancy R. Teague The Quality toolbox, 2nd edition, ASQ Quality Press, 2004, pages 236-240.